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Credit: Calvin Liu



Driven by cinema's transformative power, my work aims to bridge gaps and spark conversation on critical issues such as climate change. The experiences of living across the varied landscapes of Aotearoa - New Zealand, Kanaky - New Caledonia, Gespe’gewa’gi - Gaspésie, and Tiohtià:ke - Montreal have deeply influenced my focus on the intricate relationship between humans and nature. Through films like 'Cement' and collaborations with artists such as Soleil Launière and Willows, I blend spontaneity with structured filmmaking to explore human identity, desires, and societal constructs.


My commitment to outdoor filmmaking and aiming to master technical skills helps me to capture the environment's dual aspects of strength and vulnerability. I cherish multidisciplinary collaborations for their ability to introduce new methods and perspectives, striving to merge the expected with the unexpected in each project. Ultimately, my goal is to engage audiences in reflective dialogue, offering films as a space for discovery and deeper connection with the world. Through my work, I seek not just to tell stories, but to inspire introspection and foster a greater appreciation for our planet.


In 2024, I founded LUCA productions to continue pursuing these goals.


2024  "Best Regional Short Film" - Festival Émergence de Montréal - Cement

2024  "Experimental Short Special Jury Award" - Festival Cinema on the Bayou - Résonance

2021   "Promising Artist and Filmmaker" Festival Vues sur mer - 24 Hours In a Shower (Without Taking a Shower)

2023  "The Spark" - Project spark by Nanlite - Floodgate


2024  Selection Festival Émergence de Montréal - Cement

2024  Selection Festival Cinema on the Bayou - Résonance

2023  Selection Festival Cinema on the Bayou - é–“ | Unempty Space

2021   Selection Festival Vues sur mer - 24 Hours In a Shower (Without Taking a Shower)

2021   Selection FICFA - 24 Hours In a Shower (Without Taking a Shower)
2020  Selection Festival Les Percéides - 24 Hours In a Shower (Without Taking a Shower)


RADIO-CANADA LUCA Productions, une nouvelle maison de production en Gaspésie

GRAFFICI Résonance Rayonne Jusqu’en Louisiane Lors Du Festival Cinema On The Bayou

RADIO-CANADA Deux Gaspésiennes présentent un court métrage en Louisiane

CONCORDIA: PROJECT SPARK Concordia’s Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema shines at Project Spark 2023
RADIO CANADA Lucile Parry-Canet, une jeune Gaspésienne passionnée de cinéma

LA VIEILLE USINE Exposition photo Perspective

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